What to Do With an Inheritance | The Motley Fool (2024)

Deciding what to do with your inheritance can be complicated, whether you're inheriting cash, real estate, or other valuable items. Getting a substantial windfall can create a lot of mixed feelings, especially if you were close to the person who left the inheritance to you. Read on, and we'll go through what to expect from an inheritance and what you can do with one.

What to Do With an Inheritance | The Motley Fool (1)

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What to do with an inheritance: First steps

What to do with an inheritance: First steps

There's no reason to rush into any decisions right away -- you can let your inheritance sit until you've finished processing your grief, even if that takes months. What's important is that you take care of your emotional needs first.

When you're ready to deal with your inheritance, it's vital that you bring in experts who can help you handle the inheritance and its ramifications. Experts such as financial planners, tax lawyers, certified public accountants (CPAs), real estate agents, and estate planners are a good first line of defense, depending on what you've inherited. They can give you some idea of how to handle what you've got and what it may cost you to keep or dispose of it.

Armed with that information, you can choose what to do with your found assets. However, don't make a move until you really understand your responsibilities, including any tax implications that may be involved.

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An asset is a resource used to hold or create economic value.

What to do with a cash inheritance

What do I do with a cash inheritance?

If you've received a cash inheritance, maybe in the form of an old savings account or checking account, the options are limitless. Here are a few options to consider with a cash inheritance:

Pay down your debt. Your loved one probably wanted to make your life easier by leaving you money. If you have debts, pay those down first, especially if they're high-interest. The more monthly payments you can reduce, the more wiggle room you will have moving forward.

Donate some to a favorite charity. You could consider splitting your inheritance with a charity your loved one supported. For example, if your aunt was devoted to rescuing cats, you could give part of your inheritance to local cat rescues or the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) in her honor.

Open a savings account. Having an emergency fund that will get you through three to six months without income is always helpful. A CD or money market account can earn you high interest rates, but even a basic savings account at the right bank can do the same.

Invest your windfall. If you're interested in investing your money in a way that helps it grow even faster than it would with a savings account, high-yield bonds can be very safe vehicles through which to do this. If you're willing to take more risk, consider investing in stocks or exchange-traded funds. These are all excellent choices if you're investing for retirement.

If you've never invested before, consult an expert before you drop all your cash into the next hot start-up. Some companies sound really good and innovative until you start examining their cash flow statements.

Note that the rules can differ if you've inherited a 401(k) or another retirement account, so consult with a tax professional in this situation.

I inherited a house

I inherited a house

Inheriting a house can be a huge boon to your finances, especially if you're currently renting. You have a few options with your newfound property:

Move in. The most obvious answer to inherited real estate is to ditch your rent and move into the free house. You'll still be responsible for taxes, insurance, and maintenance, but not having a house payment or rent hanging over your head is amazingly freeing.

Rent it. If you haven't decided what to do with Grandma's house just yet, you can always rent it out for a little while. Without making substantial upgrades, you may be unable to charge premium rent.

However, if you've been considering keeping it and making it your own, the income you can get from it is still more than you'd get from leaving it empty. Call a property manager for help if you need to find good tenants and have someone handle the marketing and management.

Sell it. Many people get into huge trouble when trying to sell a house they've inherited. They either go in with a full remodel, spending tens of thousands of dollars on a house that might just as easily find a buyer in its current condition (even if the sales price is a little lower), or they contact a company that will buy the house as it sits. Both are setups for disaster.

Before you do anything, consult a few local real estate agents for advice and then do the math. What does it cost to remodel versus what you'll earn from the sale of the house? What would you walk away with if you sold the house as-is? How much is the house really worth compared to what the guy who will close in a week will give you?

What to Do With an Inheritance | The Motley Fool (2)

Image source: Etsy.

What if I inherited a car, jewelry, or other items?

What if I inherited a car, jewelry, or other items?

If you inherited something else, like jewelry, a car, antique furniture, or other items, you may need extra help liquidating them if you choose not to keep them. After all, a houseful of memories is a lot to deal with. That's why there are estate dealers who do nothing but clean out estates, arrange for auctions, and donate what can't be sold to charity.

You almost certainly won't get the full value of the items through an estate dealer. However, the time investment it takes to comb through that many items can be enormous.

If you've only inherited a single vehicle or some small pieces, you can have them appraised before deciding what to do with them. A vehicle can easily be sold (or kept) if you have the title transferred into your name and pay the applicable fees in your area. You can sell jewelry and other objects to collectors or keep them for sentimental reasons.

Carefully consider what you'll do with objects you've inherited, especially if you're still grieving when thinking about disposing of them. You may regret selling them later when you have a clearer head, so another option is always placing them in climate-controlled storage.

What about the taxes?

What about the taxes?

The taxes on an inheritance shouldn't be much of a burden since the estate tax, paid by the person's estate before you receive the inheritance, doesn't kick in until the estate is worth $12.92 million in 2023. Some states levy an estate tax that kicks in at lower thresholds, though.

The tax you may be responsible for, inheritance tax, only exists in six states: Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, New Jersey, Nebraska, and Pennsylvania. If you live in one of these states, your CPA or attorney will be your best source of advice.

You may also owe taxes on an inherited IRA or other retirement account when you withdraw the money. Again, be sure to seek advice from a tax professional.

Taxes on a real estate inheritance are a bit different. In general, if you live in the house for at least two years, you can make up to $250,000 profit on it if you're single, or $500,000 if you're married, before capital gains taxes kick in.

What to Do With an Inheritance | The Motley Fool (3)

Image source: Getty Images.

Otherwise, you might still be able to shelter some or all of the value from taxation. When you sell a home, you must report your gain or loss relative to the amount you paid for the house. For example, if your Great Aunt Mary bought her house for $50,000 in the 1990s and sold it before her death for $250,000, she'd have to pay tax on $200,000 worth of gain.

However, since you inherited it, the cost basis -- the value that the capital gain is based on (Great Aunt Mary's $50,000) -- doesn't apply in the same way. Your cost basis isn't her $50,000 but rather the value of the house on the day you inherited it: $250,000. So, if you turn around and sell the property for $250,000 in a month, you wouldn't necessarily owe any capital gains tax on the property.

You will still have to pay certain fees and taxes required by your state and municipality that are always part of a real estate transaction. But these are typically small compared to capital gains taxes.

Always consult with a CPA or attorney before making any serious financial decisions of this nature, as the rules change frequently. There may be additional considerations for your specific location or situation.

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Making the most of your inheritance

If you've inherited property, cash, or real estate from someone, it can help ease the pain of losing them just a little bit. But deciding what to do with an inheritance comes with its own challenges. You may have to deal with disposing of unwanted property and potential tax implications. Before you do anything with the property, make sure to consult with experts who can guide you through the process.


Inheritance FAQs

What is considered a large inheritance?

According to the Federal Reserve's 2019 Survey of Consumer Finances, the average inheritance is $46,200, but this includes all families. People earning at or below 50% of the average income in the U.S. receive $9,700 on average, versus the top 1% of earners who receive an average $719,000 inheritance.

What should I do with an inheritance of $100,000?

If you inherit $100,000, you have a lot of options. You can pay off your highest-interest debts, save money for emergencies, or give some to charity. You might consider using it as a down payment on a house or adding it to your child's college fund. Most importantly, you should consult with a professional to help you navigate the benefits and consequences of your inheritance.

Do you have to report inheritance money to the IRS?

Many inheritances are not taxable since they're generally of a fairly small value, but if you have any doubt, you should ask a tax professional. Even if your inheritance isn't considered taxable by the IRS, it may still be taxable by your state or local government.

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What to Do With an Inheritance | The Motley Fool (2024)


What to Do With an Inheritance | The Motley Fool? ›

There's no reason to rush into any decisions right away -- you can let your inheritance sit until you've finished processing your grief, even if that takes months. What's important is that you take care of your emotional needs first.

What should you do with an inheritance? ›

Ideas for what to do with your inheritance
  1. Pay off high-interest debt.
  2. Create an emergency fund of at least 3–6 months of essential expenses.
  3. Revisit your investment plan with an advisor.
  4. Invest in yourself by going to back to school or taking a sabbatical.

What should I do with a $100000 inheritance? ›

What Do I Do With a Cash Inheritance?
  1. Give some of it away. No matter where you are in the Baby Steps, giving should always be part of your financial plan! ...
  2. Pay off debt. ...
  3. Build your emergency fund. ...
  4. Pay down your mortgage. ...
  5. Save for your kids' college fund. ...
  6. Enjoy some of it.
Feb 2, 2024

What does Dave Ramsey say about inheritance? ›

Ramsey believes investing should take up a good percentage of your cash inheritance so it can grow. Spend some of it. People who work hard also play hard.

Is $500,000 a big inheritance? ›

$500,000 is a big inheritance. It could have a significant impact on your financial situation, depending on how it is managed and utilized.

What is considered a large inheritance? ›

Inheriting $100,000 or more is often considered sizable. This sum of money is significant, and it's essential to manage it wisely to meet your financial goals. A wealth manager or financial advisor can help you navigate how to approach this.

What is the average inheritance in the US? ›

The average American has inherited about $58,000 as of 2022. But that's if you include the majority of us whose total lifetime inheritance sits at $0. If you look only at the lucky few who inherited anything, their average is $266,000.

How to flip 100k into 1 million? ›

There are two approaches you could take. The first is increasing the amount you invest monthly. Bumping up your monthly contributions to $200 would put you over the $1 million mark. The other option would be to try to exceed a 7% annual return with your investments.

Do I have to report inheritance to the IRS? ›

In general, any inheritance you receive does not need to be reported to the IRS. You typically don't need to report inheritance money to the IRS because inheritances aren't considered taxable income by the federal government. That said, earnings made off of the inheritance may need to be reported.

Can I deposit a large inheritance check into my bank account? ›

Deposit the money into a safe account

Your first action to take when receiving a lump sum is to deposit the money into an FDIC-insured bank account. This will allow for safekeeping while you consider how to make the best use of your inheritance.

What is the most you can inherit without paying taxes? ›

In 2024, the first $13,610,000 of an estate is exempt from taxes, up from $12,920,000 in 2023. Estate taxes are based on the size of the estate. It's a progressive tax, just like our federal income tax. That means that the larger the estate, the higher the tax rate it is subject to.

How to avoid taxes on inherited money? ›

If you set up a payable on death life insurance policy, your beneficiaries won't owe any taxes on the money they receive on your death. They can use this money to pay any other inheritance or estate taxes that are levied. Again, this will require some difficult planning ahead of time.

Is inheritance money considered income? ›

Inheritances are not considered income for federal tax purposes, whether the individual inherits cash, investments or property.

What should you not do with an inheritance? ›

Research shows that the average person burns through their inheritance in about five years, unless it is invested properly. The worst things you can do with an inheritance are spend it on assets you can't maintain, sit on it, or invest it all in one place.

How long does it take to turn 500k into 1 million? ›

If invested with an average annual return of 7%, it would take around 15 years to turn 500k into $1 million.

How to be smart with inheritance money? ›

  1. Don't Assume You'll Get It. First of all, if you're expecting a large inheritance one day but have yet to receive the money, don't count on it. ...
  2. Take It Slowly. ...
  3. Seek Advice If You Need It. ...
  4. Pay Off Debts. ...
  5. Invest the Rest. ...
  6. Understand the Tax Implications. ...
  7. Splurge If You Must, but Don't Go Crazy.

What is the best way to receive inheritance money? ›

A living trust is the easiest and fastest way to receive inheritance money. There is no tax payable on inheritance money, as it generally does not need to be reported to the IRS and is not considered taxable income.

Where to deposit inheritance money? ›

A good place to deposit a large cash inheritance, at least for the short term, would be a federally insured bank or credit union. Your money won't earn much in the way of interest, but as long as you stay under the legal limits, it will be safe until you decide what to do with it.


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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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