I'm reluctant to engage you on this for several reasons. For 1, you have been rude and disrespectful to me in the past and I don't believe I've ever been so to you. The one and only thing that riles me more than anything else is getting disrespected, especially when it is undeserved. Generally speaking I'm not disrespectful to other posters. Possibly I've slipped on that occasionally.
2ndly, it's apparent to me, because you've made it so, that you don't think I'm as honest as I am. I could cite numerous things you've said that support that contention but I think it's safe to say that's accurate.
Regards those 2 above issues, first, I'm a very respectable person and if I've done or said something to you or anyone else here, that you consider otherwise, I'd appreciate you being specific and not generalizing. If I've been unfair to anyone on this board, I'll listen and own up if so. As to the honesty element, same thing goes.. Simply and specifically point out any such instance and I'll deal. It's very doubtful, to say the least, that you could find anything I've been dishonest about simply because I very honest, so you'd most likely be wasting your time in that regard.
I do recognize the difference between blatant lies, misspokes, opinions, mistakes. I really try not to muddle or degrade the boundaries that I have as a reasonable, fair and balanced person, between those things but I guess sometimes lines get crossed that ought'nt be. I think the moral key to that is whether or not there is premeditation as opposed to maybe sometimes getting pushed around in traffic so to speak which causes you to inadvertantly cross those boundary lines but not in the sense of purposely doing so for personal gain or recognition and so forth. Bottom line, my strong bias is to speak the truth always and not to purposely bend it.
Thirdly, I've posted so much documentation and examples in support of my contentions, here, that it's countless. And that includes recently, as in the last month or 2. So I have to question whether you have legitimate beefs with any of that documentation posted, along with my personal opinions of what the documentation means or reveals......or.......if you simply haven't read said posts or put much effort into reading them and the accompanying opinions? I mean, so far I haven't seen you point out any specific contentions I've made one way or the other and yet one doesn't have to look too far to find you expounding on the importance of not just generalizing or slinging things about that are super generalized and could mean anything. I don't mind saying that I'm pretty sure that every single contention I've made on this board, and I know I've made many, have been supported with all sorts of explanations, logic, even if it's my brand (and I am very logical), documentation, quotes, dot connecting, critical thinking, so on and so forth. I never just throw stuff out there without serious support, be it good or faulty. And I dare say that my reasoning is very strong. For example, and this is a good example because I'm the only one to ever take this particular tack and almost all, if not all, would disagree. To make a longer story shorter, Microsoft, years ago, regards the whole back door thing for law enforcement, somehow managed to get the whole world, even to this day for some, to believe that they held the patent for legal intercept. That's a fact whether you are aware or not. I've seen literally tons of reports that in one way or another, alluded to the fact that MS owned that. That's both before and especially after Vplm was awarded that patent. But most everyone here knew that it was owned by Vplm. But the crazy part, to me, was that no one had a decent explanation for why MS put in their application a year later than Vplm did, which meant their application was doomed to fail, and by that time, if I remember correctly, the Vplm approval for legal intercept, by the USPTO, was just about in the bag already and just was waiting for some finishing touches to be made. So it made no sense, at least in an obvious and easy to see reason why MS put in that way late and doomed to be rejected application. I am not going to go thru the explanation of why they did it, here and now, because frankly, I've gone to the trouble and effort to explain it in great detail before and repeated it several times over the years since it was a thing. The point is, my explanation made perfect sense yet no one paid it the time of day, except maybe for the obligatory ridicule I get. No one else, to my memory and knowledge had the slightest attempt at explaining why a huge player like MS would waste their time with such a folly and a folly it was.
But again, getting g back to the heart of your question, I must ask you outright, if you ever bothered to to read what you've called in the past: "my mutterings". That is such a rude and unfair thing to say, in light of the level of DD I've done in the last near 14 years and the detailed explanations and opinions I've offered in a very studious way. Those thousands of posts are most certainly not mere mutterings. That is an unfortunate and wrong characterization of my postings and reporting. Admittedly, not every opinion/contention is backed up by rock solid, carved in stone, backup, but I've at least strived towards that. Meanwhile there are jerks who have systematically and consistently twisted my words into things that only exist in their imagination and/or come from their faulty biases.
So I'd love to hear you pick a specific thing said, so I can effectively answer to it, rather than vagueries. You have to be specific. I've said many many different things and do not just repeat them everyday. I also get a great deal of entertainment from this board and if I do say so myself, I've offered some of the best humor seen here. So sometimes I'm just kidding but I think I normally find some way to make the distinction if I see it might not be obvious.
* quick followup: I had meant to but wound up forgetting to mention regarding the false accusation about you....that without any supporting evidence, I feel it's absolutely wrong to pin that on you with zero to back it up. And if the retort would be that it was done to see your reaction or something along those lines, still no excuse. For one thing, I believe it was originally clearly disallowed to do something like that, and I feel rightly so, but clearly the insane work of the so called admins, completely ruined the entire set of rules once adhered to here, to the point where pretty much anything goes... Regardless, totally crosses the line to make such accusations void of proof.